We offer two different types of memberships:
Local Organization Membership (MOL) – Local members come together for regular meetings, special programs, community functions, networking events, and other gatherings designed to help women share contacts, career strategies and to work on women's equity issues.
If you would like to join a BPW Local, we currently have chapters in Atlantic, Cedar Falls, Mount Pleasant, Spencer and Waterloo. Each local organization has their own unique dues structure.
Learn more by contacting the local chapter officer listed below.
Local Organization Contacts
If you decide to process your local organization membership online, you may choose one of the MOL options below to pay BPW Iowa state dues of $50. Additional local organization dues (not more than $20) are payable via check or cash when you attend your first local meeting.Atlantic: Jolene Roecker atlanticbpwpresident@gmail.com
Cedar Falls: Melinda Doyle mindy@mindydoyle.com
Mount Pleasant: Charlene Hinrichs charlenehinrichs@gmail.com
Spencer: Marcia Dirks mdscgirl@ncn.net
Waterloo: Cathy Hines WaterlooBPW@gmail.com
Member At Large (MAL) – If you choose to govern your own level of participation in BPW projects or programs, the At Large membership is a great option. At Large members enjoy all the benefits of membership and have full voting rights and privileges.
Members At Large receive newsletters and call to action email communication. Two state wide conferences including networking, speakers/workshops and business meeting are scheduled in the Des Moines area each year. We offer two personal/professional development webinars each year. Network virtually (via Zoom) with other members around the state at least quarterly.
Join as:Member At Large (MAL) - individuals with affiliation to the state BPW Iowa organization. Annual dues $50.
Student member At Large (SAL) - Individuals enrolled in a college, university or other accredited post high school institution with affiliation to the state BPW Iowa organization. Annual dues $25.
Select your membership level below.